Pritchett Cartoons

        Political cartoons by John Pritchett for Honolulu Civil Beat. Cartoons are listed below by date and title. Click on the title to see the image. Comments, questions: Email Pritchett

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    7 Hawaii minimum wage goes to $14 per hour.
  14 Mike Miske trial is a spectical
  21 Honolulu Star Advertiser bankrupt!
  28 Money burns at state legislature.

    4 Skyline (Honolulu Rail) ridership trending down.
  11 Honolulu Mayor and City Prosecutor oppose recreational marijuana.
  18 Joe Biden is the grumpy old man.
  25 Tulsi Gabbard on short list for Trump VP.

MARCH 2024
    3 UH regent nominations on the chopping block.
  10 Stadium killer house bill threatens Senator Wakai's pet project.
  17 HCDA would turn Lahaina into a Manhattan of the Pacific.
  24 House bill to cut state funding for the arts killed.
  31 Four Hawaii BOE chairs in two years.

APRIL 2024
    7 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a Joe Biden spoiler?
  14 Hawaii rate payers are steamed over higher electric bills.
  21 Money and government contracts at lavish parties in Hawaii.
  28 Dennis Mitsunaga in slammer for witness tampering.

MAY 2024
    5 Hawaii Senate President Ron Kouchi in a cold sweat.
  12 Head of Honolulu's rail project rides train off into sunset.
  19 Biden, Trump set to debate.
  26 After Kaneshiro bribery case acquittal, it's business as usual.

JUNE 2024
    2 State Senator Donovan Dela Cruz rakes in campaign dollars.
    9 Mayor Rick Blangiardi protects HART CEO Lori Kahikina bully.
  16 DLNR fines north shore, beachfront home owners trying to prevent erosion.
  23 Downtown Honolulu left in the dark for days after HECO power failures.
  30 Joe Biden lays an egg, fails at debate June 27, 2024.

JULY 2024
    7 Maui County sweeps fire liability under the rug.
  14 State and county workers paid millions not to work.
  21 Democrats abandon sinking Biden ship.
  28 Kim Coco Iwamoto again challenges Scott Saiki in primary race.

    4 Talking mailbox reminds voters to mail in their ballot.
  11 Federal judge rules Google is an illegal monopoly.
  25 HART awards contract to sole bidder, $300 million over budget.

    8 A dearth of charging stations on Maui thwarts EV rentals.
  22 Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami to replace Senator Ron Kouchi 2026.

    7 Little fire ants invade Hawaii.
  21 Cell phone ban in classrooms.

    4 No one on Honolulu general election ballot.
  18 Trump appoints Tulsi Gabbard to cabinet.

    2 UH Regents circle the wagons in defence of Wendy Hensel.
  16 Mayor Blangiardi announces new landfill site in Wahiawa.
  30 Kauai State Representative Nadine Nakamura is new House Speaker!

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