The cartoon above was commissioned by a private, political action group supporting Republican Roger Ancheta. In 1998, Ancheta ran against Democrat Randy Iwase for the state Senate, 18th district. The cartoon, by John Pritchett, was featured in a mailer designed to bring public awareness to the fact that when Randy Iwase was Chairman of the Senate Land and Water Use Committee, his downtown law firm received a million dollars from the Bishop Estate for land and water use legal services. A conflict of intrest? (Honolulu Advertiser Sept. 29, 1998.) Ancheta lost the race to Iwase. But, even though Iwase had beat Ancheta, Iwase still filed a complaint with the state Campaign Spending Commission about the flier and cartoon. The Campaign Spending Commission promptly ruled in Iwase's favor, issuing a letter of censure to be placed in Ancheta's permanent file. Ancheta took the Campaign Spending Commission to federal court, and on January 3, 2001, Federal Judge Helen Gillmor ruled in Ancheta's favor saying: "a state's attempt to exclude disfavored speech is precisely what the First Amendment seeks to prevent." Judge Gillmor ruled that Hawaii's code of conduct for politicians is unconstitutional and ordered the state to remove its censure against Ancheta. The state now faces possible legal action seeking monetary compensation for damage done to Ancheta's political career and reputation. |
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